5. Can purchasing orders be cancelled or returned for a refund?

1. In the "under review" state, you can click "Cancel order" on the corresponding order in the "Member Center" - purchasing order page, and the funds will be promptly refunded to your Tikabuy account's available balance;

2. When the status is "order received", you can click "Consultation" on the corresponding order in the "Member Center" - purchasing order page to request cancellation or contact online customer service for assistance. If payment has not been made, we will cancel the order within 1 working day and refund your money to your Tikabuy account's available balance;

3. If the status is "Ordered", you can click "Consultation" on the corresponding order in the "Member Center" - purchasing order page to request cancellation or contact online customer service for assistance. After applying with seller approval, if goods have not been delivered, a refund will be processed and returned to your Tikabuy account within 3-5 days;

4. When in "shipped" status, you can click "Consultation" on the corresponding order in the "Member Center" - purchasing order page to request cancellation or inform online customer service for assistance. Depending on whether goods have been shipped or not, refunds may take 3-5 days or 7-15 days respectively;

5. Within 5 days after warehousing, you can click “Refund/return” onthe corresponding purchase orders of Member Centre apply return; We will help process returns as soon as possible upon seller agreement and once funds are returned by seller it usually takes 7-15 days for them to appear back into your Tikabuy account.

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