2.Why merge packages for delivery?

Shipping more than one of your purchased goods at a time not only has professional packaging support, but also saves international shipping costs compared to separate shipping.

Select EMS to send to USA for example

Assume that the current first weight is 500g /205 yuan, each subsequent weight is 500g /72 yuan, and the handling fee is 8 yuan/piece.

Suppose you have 3 items weighing 700g, 1100g, and 1600g:

1. If you choose ordinary express (submit the package separately), you need to pay 1071 yuan freight

(205+72+8)+(205+72*2+8)+(205+72*3+8)=1071 yuan

2. If you choose to ship together, you only need to pay 645 yuan freight

The total weight of the package is 700g+1100g+1600g=3400g

Freight: 205+72*6+8=672 yuan

Combined delivery saves you 2 first weights +2 operating fees, directly saving 426 yuan freight

1071-645=426 yuan

Warm reminder:

The important basis for customs to judge civilian and commercial packages is the weight of the package and the number of items. Parcels over 10KG are more likely to be considered commercial. The excessive number of the same item is also one of the important reasons why it is regarded as a commercial package. Therefore, we recommend that you consider the weight and quantity of the goods when choosing to combine multiple items for shipping.

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