5. Mailing restrictions

After completing the inspection of the goods, the quality inspection personnel will set the mailing restrictions of the goods according to the characteristics of the brand, category, size and so on.

When you submit a package, the system will provide you with a suitable route according to the mailing restrictions of your product (the mailing restrictions are only limited when submitting a package on the Tikabuy platform to help you select a suitable route and reduce the shipping risk of the package).

Commodities purchased in China must comply with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and be permitted to be imported by the State. Relevant laws and regulations are as follows:

The revised List of Items Prohibited from Entry and Exit of the People's Republic of China and the List of Items Restricted from Entry and Exit of the People's Republic of China are hereby issued and shall come into force as of March 1, 1993. The Announcement of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Publication of Prohibitions and Restrictions on Entry and Exit of Goods issued by The State Council on November 1, 1987 shall be annulled at the same time.

The People's Republic of China prohibits the entry and exit of articles

Articles prohibited from entering the country

1. Weapons, imitation weapons, ammunition and explosives of all kinds;

2. Counterfeit currency and counterfeit securities;

(3) Printed matter, film, photograph, record, film, audio cassette, video cassette, laser video disc, computer storage media and other articles harmful to China's politics, economy, culture and morality;

4. Various potent poisons;

5. Opium, morphine, heroin, cannabis and other narcotic and psychotropic substances that can cause addiction;

6. Animals, plants and their products with dangerous bacteria, pests and other harmful organisms;

7. Food, medicine or other articles that are harmful to human and animal health, from infected areas and that can transmit disease.

Articles prohibited from leaving the country

(1) All articles included in the scope of prohibited entry;

(2) Manuscripts, printed matter, films, photographs, records, films, audio tapes, videotapes, laser video discs, computer storage media and other articles involving state secrets;

3. Precious cultural relics and other forms of writing prohibited from leaving the country;

4. Endangered and precious animals and plants (including specimens) and their seeds and breeding materials.

The People's Republic of China restricts entry and exit articles

- Restrict entry of goods

1. Radio transceiver, communication security machine;

2. Tobacco and alcohol;

3. Endangered and precious animals and plants (including specimens) and their seeds and breeding materials;

4. National currency;

5. Other articles restricted by the customs.

2. Restrict articles leaving the country

1. Gold and silver and other precious metals and their products;

2. National currency;

3. Foreign currencies and their marketable securities;

4. Radio transceiver, communication security machine;

5. Valuable Chinese medicinal materials;

6. General cultural relics;

7. Other articles restricted by the customs from leaving the country.

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